Integrating Zoom With Your Business Center

Connecting Zoom with your Business Center is extremely easy to do. First, access your integrations tab by navigating to Account Setup -> Integrations.

All you need to do is click on Add New Integration, select Zoom from the Dropdown menu, and it will prompt you to log in to your Zoom account.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must have a PRO Zoom account (or higher) to use their integrations. DigitalMentors has a partnership with Zoom allowing you to have an Enterprise level account for a fraction of the cost. Learn more here.

Once you do this, you will be asked to confirm your integrations

After you have connected your Zoom account with your Business Center, you can now create rules based on user interactions that will allow you to register leads, buyers and more for upcoming webinars automatically.

Creating Rules for Leads & Registrations

You can automatically register leads for your upcoming webinars by creating a 'page rule' using the 'page form settings' within the page builder.

  1. Once inside the page builder, you can click on a form in your page, or in the sidebar control panel, click on Page Settings -> Page Form Settings and click on the 'Integrations' tab

  2. Click the blue 'Add New Rule' button and select Zoom from the dropdown

  3. Select the webinar you would like to register this lead for. NOTE: If you do not see the webinar, just click on 'Refresh Webinar Data' to scan zoom for your latest scheduled webinars.

  4. Finally, click 'Add Rule' and any new contacts that come through this page will be automatically registered for the selected webinar!

Creating Rules Based on Course Access & Product Offer Buyers

You can create rules based on specific courses and/or product offers that someone may purchase. To do this, navigate to the course and/or product offer, and follow these steps:

  1. Click the 'Add New Rule' button and select the Zoom integration from the dropdown.

  2. Select the webinar you would like to register this user for.

  3. Finally, click 'Add Rule' and any new users that have purchased the course or product offer will be automatically registered for the selected webinar!

To remove the rules, follow these steps:

  1. Select the rule that you want to remove.

  2. Click the delete action.

  3. Check the box to confirm you want to delete the integration rule.

  4. Click the 'Delete Rule' button.

  5. The rule will be deleted.

Removing the Zoom Application

You can remove the Zoom app in 2 ways:

  1. Log into Zoom and deactivate the authorization directly inside Zoom.
  2. Remove all rules that are being used for the Zoom integration inside of your business center. Then delete the integration.

The Zoom integration and global rules can be found in Account Setup -> Integrations.